IP & cross-ideation


As an innovative service to small and middle-sized companies, LEUGOS offers affordable support in IP landscaping and patent drafting. Involving us at an early stage in your IP generation process will allow you to extend your claims and potential licensing rights to application fields outside of your core activity.

We provide patent applications drafting expertise combined with an in-depth analysis of the technical fields.

Typical deliverables of LEUGOS include:

  • Extraction of potential IP from experimental results
  • Use of expert and/or computer-based models (physicochemical calculations, statistical and molecular models) to substantiate or extend claims
  • In context analysis of patentability
  • Cross-ideation and IP generation
  • Patent application drafting
  • Analysis of search reports
  • Case argumentation for use in proceedings
  • Interface between applicants and patent attorney offices

Do not hesitate to ask us about our highly competitive terms and conditions!